Saturday, September 11, 2010

Library:Books not sufficient??

A buddy had just asked me this question 

Q.You know buddy(gitam buddy) many could'nt get books from library. They say that our  hav more than 12 thousand books then why are'nt they sufficient for 12 hundred students.My friends and I could'nt get books.Why can't you raise this in our blog??

A.Your point is rite but let me explain,juniors are 831(near to the exact students) in number and the books of each variety are 60 and may be 4 specified referrence books are preferred tht equals 240 studnets.That means our library is just sufficent for 1/4th of the junior students and few own they own books so the people who wont get books is the nearly 500 students .So we need to share books..!!Maybe hostelers can share as all 4 or 3 in a room wont study the same subject and we cant expect 831 copies of a book also..!!Just think of it..!!And in our library we don't have enough space and racks for the buks already we have also..and they r giving a book for 2weeks and again renewing it because of this many are not getting for long time which is not at all needed if we leave in other days atleast during exam days they should'nt do like this it would be fine if they reduce it to 1week..

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